Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

ali - 2003-08-13 11:09:30
you are so awesome! ps: whats that bump in one of your pockets? lol
Mptkicks - 2003-08-13 11:09:34
Well that had to be the creepiest- um, I mean MOST AWESOME picture to date. It's cool how you two picked out the matching orange shirts. Did you ever do a video with Mariah Carey? just curious.
Justin - 2003-08-13 12:36:16
Leon, you are the hottest thing to ever grace this planet. While I am not a lady, I think that your masculine charmed has worked it's magic on me. Please come to the vacant alley behind the burned out Shoney's. I'll be the junkie with the needle in my cold dead arm.
jen - 2003-08-13 13:12:57
I love you man! lol
Chickpea - 2003-08-13 13:53:43
I can see your nipples!
kaaaaty - 2003-08-13 19:26:15
you are awesome.
Becca - 2003-08-14 03:13:27
Lmfao. xD This is the *first* time I came across your journal thingie. :x It's 11:32 at night, and my younger brother and I just... skipped through your pictures, and we laughed *so* hard. XD
Jessica - 2003-08-14 09:04:47
hey, its so great you got to meet david bowie. he is a super cool dood. he was especially great in the Labyrinth. if only there were ppl as cool as you in my section of ohio. because i did notice you are from dayton...sorry about your luck. at least you are way hott

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