Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Mptkicks - 2003-08-22 10:10:23
Oooooh! How cute you both are in the coordinating powder blue outfits. You look ready to hit an MTV awards ceremony together! Sorry to hear about your Oedipal complex... But, on the bright side, at least you now know what's wrong!
Chickpea - 2003-08-22 15:09:20
I may have to fight you for Salma!
kris - 2003-08-22 15:43:50
Yep, you're awesome. Well, at least your sense of humour is. Also, you guys look like such a cute couple. But, won't Cindy be a little jealous? ;)
vega* - 2003-08-23 02:18:57
Wow man, boy was I ever in need of a good laugh... didn`t even know it till I looked at your site.. Yer a fugui...hahahahahahaha I may have to add you to my fav. list.... oh and you got yer self a hottie man. Is she good in the sack?
Jorge Farelas - 2003-11-12 15:28:21
AWESOME!!!What movie was that from? I want to see that.

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The Bitch ~ ~ The Master