Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Shadow - 2003-09-12 08:56:39
Oh my god, dude, that is too hilarious. You certainly are the God of Hotness.
fiestada - 2003-09-12 09:12:43
You've just made my morning.
Liz - 2003-09-12 10:11:14
I saw that real statue in Italy. They made you pay 15 euros to take a picture. I bet you would charge them a lot more.
Amanda - 2003-09-12 10:16:20
Ok, you're awesome. Thanks for making me smile on such a shitty morning.
benny - 2003-09-12 10:38:34
oh no you didn't! hahahahahha thats the best
Mptkicks - 2003-09-12 11:05:23
You are obscene. Thanks.
Erika - 2003-09-12 11:28:29
That photo is definitely your best work so far.
larry - 2003-09-12 11:31:26
I am creating a temple in your name now! I am not worthy
KittenBrat - 2003-09-12 12:47:40
jessica - 2003-09-12 15:36:59
leon, i don't know if you noticed, but that statue looks a lot like you. hott. confirming what i've thought all along, you are the decendent of a god. do you do parties?
Becky - 2003-09-12 22:47:00
You must be THE man. According to the porportions of that ancient greek statue. And how did the sculptor get the exact definitions of your extremely masculine and defined legs? HOW ODD!
Ahmetai - 2003-09-14 15:10:23
I retract the fear Leon. I'm sorry to have hurt you so. Really, you are awesome.
Becky - 2003-09-14 15:42:29
I too resemble a god of hottness... yeah right. Are you from Chicago? I see you have an interest in the Bears. Talk to you later.
Kristin - 2003-09-16 00:12:39
Day after day at work and I never knew...

Your Tite Site:

The Bitch ~ ~ The Master