Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Liz - 2003-11-14 09:03:22
Leon, I love you. I want to bear your children. Is there any way you can love me too!?
cindy - 2003-11-15 01:38:55
you are i could be a guy..i would be you..and make myself laugh all day. even tho i just read one of your entries. thank you for that. cindiferous
fargahar - 2003-11-16 05:08:21
Thank you for having the first good diary I have come across by clicking a banner ad. That excites me on so many levels...much as you and you diary do. Plus you're hot! You might be a consideration for the laminated list.
Jenn - 2003-11-16 09:54:43
OH MY!! I love it!! Your so added to my friends list. Too funny. Your very hot yourself... love the pictures!! :)
Brandi - 2003-11-16 15:49:06
You have THE funniest banner I've seen. I just HAD to click. :-)
Mylene - 2003-11-16 19:09:50
Oh guy you are on crack. I just went through your whole damn diary and you're insane. Fucking hell budy, how do you come up with these ideas... damn you're a fox ;) <3<3
Amber - 2003-11-17 07:02:23
I personally think you are ugly and balding.

Your Tite Site:

The Bitch ~ ~ The Master