Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

melinda - 2003-12-15 09:06:58
Hey those are some cute pants you got on!
nomorenairs - 2003-12-15 09:08:18
Goddamn you are awesome Leon
queenmothy - 2003-12-15 09:48:53
Nice pants, Leon!
ali - 2003-12-15 10:14:36
your right arm is tiny! but you're awesome nonetheless!!
ali - 2003-12-15 10:14:36
your right arm is tiny! but you're awesome nonetheless!!
Liz - 2003-12-15 17:51:43
Those pants are pretty spiffy...but whats teh deal with your toes...its like they got chopped off or are incredibly webbed in some freaky way.
Ninja Stu - 2003-12-15 21:44:13
cool pants. i want them. you and seinfeld would be awesome.

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The Bitch ~ ~ The Master