Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Becks - 2004-01-27 16:01:29
Was he masaging your feet? Well I do live in a world of awesomeness and great weeather, so great that I didnt want to move, because I got stuck... in the SNOW! DAMN CHICAGO!
Beckerooodoo - 2004-01-27 19:19:45
Hey now, you are talking to the Cubs fan of all Cubs fans here... I definitely do love Chicago, I just get a little bummed when I get stuck at the parking lot at work in three feet snow drifts and all I want to do is go home, ya know? Its a little sucky... but anyway... why are you gonna be in town those days? How lucky am I to have my city be graced with your presence...
Vespera - 2004-02-17 17:43:04
I was just clicking on your banner and decided to take a look around. And this particular thing with Sean Conery just made me laugh. You see, I have this little saying for when I spill something on my brests. "Booby Snacks" is what I call them, and in talking with my friends the other day, we all agreed that Sean Conery saying this would be the funniest thing. As if "booby snacks" wasn't funny enough, just imagine Sean Conery saying.... Thanks for your time! Ves

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