Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Erika - 2004-02-06 08:38:59
That's one of your best photos to date! Bravo!
VelvetOrange - 2004-02-06 14:47:31
this is one of the best ones that i have seen in forever. i hope you dont think that i am rude when i say you look like a cute elf. that is a compliment and hopefully you see that. anywho VelvetOrange is a band that me and my girls created back in the freshman year. we started this diary in may of our freshman year and now we are seniors and i am the only one who still uses it. but one day and i were on the phone and we were tying to comeup with names and for some odd reason this popped out of my big mouth and we stayed with it for some odd reason. anywho more later muah!
Jessica - 2004-02-06 15:22:22
That is one of the best ones I have ever seen! You even had my mom thinking you were actually in the picture. :) And as for another message I saw on here... :) Someone calling you a cute elf... haha.. don't be offended. Have you see Legolas on LOTR? DAMN! haha... elves are damn sexy. :) My personal favorite. haha...
Jess - 2004-02-07 14:23:05
Damn, that IS one of the best ones I have seen, man. It looks flawless.
Beckeringdinger - 2004-02-07 14:56:02
Is it possible that you get better and better every time you post a new picture? How can that be? Is there no level of perfection that you have not obtained. There is no way you can be of the human race and yet be so extremely unhuman. I praise you O Leon of the CUT AND PASTE! YOU ARE A GOD!

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