Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Masked Mofo - 2004-02-13 08:04:35
You are indeed awesome!!
Rachele - 2004-02-13 08:48:23
"Rebecca Remain HotforLeon Stamos" ... hilarity at its best, man.
Masked Mofo - 2004-02-13 08:54:18
Yes, the word is that they will be released to DVD on Sept. 21st, but only in the 'Special Edition' format. This petition is requesting that Lucas release the original theatrical version of the film (that old people like me know and love), in addition to the Horribly Mutilated CGI enhanced versions. ---MMF
Masked Mofo - 2004-02-13 09:44:23
You as Ben Skywalker would truly be awesome!!
velvetorange - 2004-02-13 14:21:16
hey leon. one of your true bests. muah!
The Minx - 2004-02-13 20:13:09
Okay, I need to stop reading your diary now. You just get better and better every time, prompting me to post a note. And if I keep posting notes, I feel creepy.
michelle - 2004-02-13 20:51:28
you make my day! lol!
Val - 2004-02-14 17:29:33
You are totally so funny. I had to call my husband in to take a look and we both plotzed! You are definately one of my picks for best diary entry!! Love, Val

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