Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

velvetorange - 2004-02-16 08:52:32
leon is one of the greats i have to tell you. keep on rockin my man
Erika - 2004-02-16 09:26:29
Damn, Leon, you have some serious moves.
Liz - 2004-02-16 14:14:03
That was awesome, I want an I *heart* Saturn shirt!
Liz - 2004-02-16 14:40:46
Yes I want one of those shirts, its quirky!
Liz - 2004-02-16 15:21:28
Small would be preferable (you rock)
beckerdoo - 2004-02-16 22:06:28
Not only are you an animal in bed... you can also hold up the weight of your entire body with just two little fingers... Amazing!

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The Bitch ~ ~ The Master