Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Masked Mofo - 2004-02-20 08:22:38
Seann William Scott and Leon together at the same time??!? How is this possible?? It's like Clark Kent and Superman being sighted together.... it just cannot be. It must be some photographic trickery, for we all know that Leon & Seann William Scott are the very SAME person.
velvetorange - 2004-02-20 08:35:00
omg. masked mofo is telling the god honest truth. can it be that they are not the same person though? yes it can! leon keep up the funny day by day entries that make all of us roll.
velvetorange - 2004-02-20 08:35:53
we are all the people in oklahoma who are amazed by your wonder. muah~
velvetorange - 2004-02-20 08:35:53
we are all the people in oklahoma who are amazed by your wonder. muah~
velvetorange - 2004-02-20 11:54:19
yeah thats what we guessed. we also want to know what you do for a living. so what do you do for a living? if its college, what are you majoring in? muah~
bug - 2004-02-20 13:09:10
that's a lot of muahs. That's almost enough muahs for foreplay. I'd be careful with your muahs, especially on diaryland.. and with Leon. If Leon muah'd somebody, I bet they'd explode. He's potent.
beckinga - 2004-02-20 16:03:48
That poor beautiful car... soon to be exploded into a thousand peices... IT WAS YOU LEON! WASN'T IT? YOU WERE THE CAUSE OF THE DEMISE OF THAT BEAUTIFUL LITTLE CAR! Damn you.
The Minx - 2004-02-20 17:31:43
I'm frightened at how perfectly you fit into that picture (in more ways than one)...
elgan - 2004-02-21 10:32:38
You�re pretty awesome, all right.

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