Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Erika - 2004-02-23 09:45:01
That's definitely interested. ha
Liz - 2004-02-23 15:12:42
I laughed out loud at that one....oh man. good times
pirategirl - 2004-02-23 15:39:42
Pretty awesome, Leon. I don't click banners much anymore, but if Woody Allen says you're awesome I figured I wouldn't be disappointed.
Beckalooba - 2004-02-23 16:33:15
So are you sure there was no acid or any other kind of narcotics involved?
Angie - 2004-02-23 18:36:18
Dude. Your shit is funny, but the page is an eyesore. Please let me design you a new page. Reply in my notes or e-mail.
alex - 2004-02-23 21:29:53
eyesore, eyeore. ( pretend that rhymed) . leon, you are so awesome, dude. just don' t let the d- land ladies catch wind that you' re a rockstar superhero. they will never leave you alone. believe me, after i made THAT mistake, it was all over for my email box.
alex - 2004-02-23 22:16:45
you forgot crazy. evil and CRAZY. i have nightmares about them. :/ but boobs are so hot.
alex - 2004-02-23 22:48:33
boobs pwn. i often find myself getting sidetracked in the shower, which is never good, because i only have 12 minutes of hot water. it' s ice city after that.
The Minx - 2004-02-24 05:28:07
I need to hang out in your bathroom sometime Leon. That looks like more fun than any party I've ever been to...
technibeetle - 2004-02-27 19:15:30
omfg! that was hilarious!

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The Bitch ~ ~ The Master