Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

nikki - 2004-02-28 15:02:39
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I like that you made them give you 50, then get down and do pushups. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ~cacophic
Becker - 2004-02-28 16:38:15
How did you get a picture of me and all my friends? Are you stalking me?
AJ - 2004-02-28 18:44:37
Hahahahaha... Good times.
alana - 2004-02-28 20:57:44
mmmm. this grrl likes your team. one again, dear "leon" make me smile.
Andrew - 2004-02-28 22:29:08
Leon, you are one hot babe, with a crappy layout, and a sexy sexy banner.
The Minx - 2004-02-29 06:54:57
*ahem* What exa-- wait, you known what? I'm not even going to ask. I'm just going to sit here and smile...
Melissa - 2004-02-29 14:00:57
Kid, yur halariouse...... dont stop bein yurself....dont confirm...yu just need to lear the difference between halariouse and perverted.....but I love the sexy sexy banner.... keept up the sexy-ness
kamikazesoul - 2004-02-29 15:38:32
Great. Thanks. Now there is Frosted Chex all over my keyboard. And, my Shift key sticks! You bastard! Damn you and your humor.

Your Tite Site:

The Bitch ~ ~ The Master