Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Princess Courtie - 2004-03-05 00:54:30
It said zero and I didn't want you to feel like no one cared! Thanks for always making me laugh!
Suburban Island - 2004-03-05 08:30:36
Your diary always makes me smil and I love your lastest banner. I featured your diary in my latest entry. Cheers!
Rachy Rach - 2004-03-05 09:09:21
Ha! A Colt 45! Hilarious.
Erika - 2004-03-05 09:38:22
Have any Strawberry Hill to go with that Colt 45?
Barbeque Beck - 2004-03-05 13:09:09
Colt 45?!?! No way man, you need to hit up the King Cobra's! SPLAH!
VelvetOrange - 2004-03-05 15:01:39
okay now i love denzel. he is the man. and the leon in awesome. but putting the two together now you have got to be kidding me...oh there goes another ohhh...jk muah~
coryrudolf - 2004-03-05 16:24:06
Can we make recommendations? I would love to see Leon and Sam (Sean Penn)from "I am Sam" work together. That little girl could be worked in too.

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