Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

elgan - 2004-03-18 07:36:37
When is a banana not just a banana, pray tell?
Erika - 2004-03-18 08:09:08
I couldn't leave your page for two hours. Must be the suit.
Sarah - 2004-03-18 08:36:29
Woah. Leon in a suit? Damnnnn. You should do every entry in a suit. And since this is an election year, I also thought I'd let you know that I am writing you in for president when I vote.
bethany - 2004-03-18 13:40:17
by far my favorite. my nipples got hard.
bethany - 2004-03-18 15:07:16
the suit
Bequita - 2004-03-18 15:10:23
You are quite possibly the whitest white man I have ever seen... somewhat ectoplasmic. I should start calling you Slimer.
Liz - 2004-03-18 15:13:12
The suit man....awesome. Looking snazzy. :-)

Your Tite Site:

The Bitch ~ ~ The Master