Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

elgan - 2004-04-02 08:22:04
Congratulations on your support for Underage Celtic Feline Tooth Decay! This is a very important issue and I'm so glad you've brought it to the attention of your Diaryland readers. Good work, Leon. As I'm sure you're aware, cats with dentures is not a pretty sight!
Erika - 2004-04-02 09:12:06
Oh, Leon, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Oh Leon!
bethany - 2004-04-02 11:39:14
charlize lost her hand! ouch! did you squeeze it off? password please!
bethany - 2004-04-02 13:28:46
are you even coming to my party? i can only hope and pray. but alas, i think i will be let down, per usual.
Liz - 2004-04-02 15:01:04
Snazzy Suit wearing Leon returns! : )
Betalatethan - 2004-04-02 23:02:21
Wow! I could only hope you would put in an appearance at our Nifty Newfies in need of Nookie night..Grrrr! Though, I may have to beat those two ho's off (they look kinda skinny, I think I could take 'em)!
Becks - 2004-04-03 09:15:02
I heard Oprah don't like white people. But I am sure the Leon is an acception.
Liz - 2004-04-04 19:16:39
Leon man, today I had rice with Leon pepper. Or was it Lemon pepper? I forget.

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