Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

bethany - 2004-04-15 09:38:43
nice how you left that "not for sale or duplication" on the picture. watch out, your face is melting!
KittenBrat - 2004-04-15 10:28:24
You rock! I love Christopher Walken!!!
Beckaboo - 2004-04-15 11:44:27
You somewhay resemble David Ducovney in that lighting. Or Maybe a Ken doll. Either way... you are amazing!
Cybersyd - 2004-04-15 11:57:22
No, wait! I wanted to see the chicken suit!
Eva - 2004-04-15 18:24:13
Damn you have a nice body ;)
Eva - 2004-04-15 18:24:43
Damn you have a nice body ;)

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