Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

treesssa - 2004-06-02 13:01:01
Holy gaucamole Leon! Your abs are incredible! Excuse me while i wipe the drool from my lip.
Ellen. - 2004-06-02 13:02:27
Yeah. I don't like this one - a reason why Ellen almost didn't read Leon's famous diary. Ugh.
Beckaroo - 2004-06-02 13:07:33
Wow! Unbelievable sexy line you got there Leon... the Ladies are gonna be knocking down your door! I think you two make a beautiful couple... you will make cute babies.
Oz - 2004-06-02 13:38:38
I agree with Beckaroo - sexy! And it ain't just gonna be the laideez who are knocking down your door. oz
elgan - 2004-06-02 15:40:24
Have you been using Bengay on that back injury, Leon? Just get your cheerleading partner to rub it in and those pulled muscles will be healing in no time. The hernia, though, will need surgery. Call me and we�ll book you in pronto.
Justin - 2004-06-02 22:47:42
Leon, Leon, Leon, I'm disappointed in you. Your namesake, one Leon Phelps, never took pictures with his sweat pants strategically placed. You used to use this diary for making people laugh because of how awesome you are. Now you use it to show off your beautiful abs. Shamless self promotion I have to think. Have fun at work tomorrow. I'll be watching the Outsiders finally so I can have it back to you by Friday. Keep up the hilarity. You might need to work on that gut a little though. You're starting to look chubby. Fatso.
Jimmy - 2004-06-03 08:39:37
THe real question is what you did after.
Jamie - 2004-06-03 10:14:10
I just gotta say I love this diary- Love the pics!
bethany - 2004-06-03 15:20:37
suck on it ellen. no one asked you. leon can do no wrong.
Eva - 2004-06-09 15:52:22
Damn you have a sexy body
Eva - 2004-06-09 15:57:08
Damn you have a sexy body
Eva - 2004-06-09 18:20:02
Oops I made a mistake, of course I added you ;)

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