Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

bethany - 2004-07-22 11:02:06
since seeing spidey 2 i think i am now in love with tobey, so you and him together makes me want to slit my wrists.
Ellen - 2004-07-22 11:04:49
I was going to eat chinese food today. Now... well, yeah... I'm still gonna eat it.
jen - 2004-07-22 14:50:30
he is hot there. HOT. HOT I TELL YOU. SEXY!
Gumphood - 2004-07-23 14:52:19
Hi there Leon. I am a friend of Bethany's and I was wondering if you could help me photoshop some horrible pictures. If you could I would love to email them to you. --My email is [email protected]
Alexis - 2004-07-23 19:58:52
You say "wicked"! I love you and your diary just for that. You must be near me in good ol' MA. Either that or that wicked awesome word is spreading wicked fast. Ha. So anyway, I'll be coming back for more!! Maybe you can swing by my wicked-not-as-fun diary.
Brandi - 2004-07-24 14:29:16
You're giggling just like a schoolgirl. How sweet.

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