Lay Your Devine Hand Upon Me!

Brittany - 2004-08-25 11:46:07
That bottle doesn't look like you've been taking any shots from it...
Brittany - 2004-08-25 13:22:59
I just know a lot about alcohol. But I am quite obsessed with your abs. They are the best looking abs I have seen, other than Brad Pitt's, of course. I didn't think the bottle looked like it had been opened, much less 10+ shots taken from it. I'm pretty proud of myself for noticing.
Brittany - 2004-08-25 13:48:33
Yes, I saw it when Brad tattooed it on his abs. That was a nice one, by the way. And yes, I am in massage school. 3 classes left and I'm finished. Freshly single today, as well. Broke it off with the drug-addicted boyfriend this morning actually. Yes, sentimental value... I understand that one. A crack rock, eh? Nice.
Brittany - 2004-08-25 14:03:08
Oh, don't feel bad at all. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I've been wanting to break it off for a while. I just found out about the drugs the other day. So don't feel bad. I don't. But yeah, I'm hoping I can find a good job when I get done. I love getting massages as well. They're amazing. And a lot of people don't understand until they get one. You're right on that one.
Brittany - 2004-08-25 14:30:53
There is no "Break Up Stress" going on. And I will get a lot of massages next week when I start classes again. But I think you should give me a massage. I can tell you whether you're good or not. I'm close to being a professional. I would really say that they "train" us in school. It's more like... they tell us if we look good doing it. Of course, I look good doing anything...
Brittany - 2004-08-25 15:02:02
But you see, I only get massages from people like me who are in classes too. To "learn" how to give people massages. So I'm not used to professionals, and have never had a professional massage. But trust me, I do look good doing anything. Let me know how things turn out with Oprah.
fuzzems - 2004-08-25 19:34:25
ah..messing with the streep...congrats on such an accomplishment?!!?!?!?!
Brittany - 2004-08-25 19:49:11
I'd love to hear how your dream girl enjoys her massage. I still think you need to give me one though. I must be off though. My godbaby's mother is tempting me with ice cream. Ciao!

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