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A day at the track
2003-12-12 | 8:12 a.m.

Here is a good picture. My hobby is horse racing and last night I got a little time in on the track. I go by a different name at the track since horse racing is full of odd names. "Leon's got a brand new bag with a flare for the dramatic and dimples that would make a school girl blush" was getting 536 to 1 odds of a victory.

Coming around the 3rd turn I was still behind, but I turned on the beating stick and started flying. I took the lead in the last curve and blew the other 2 horses close to me away. I won it by 657 lengths. I am awesome, you can tell by the excitement from the gamblers staring with amazement from the speed shown on the track as I passed "Lung Biscuit" and "Queer eye for the Short Guy".

3 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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