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Last Day on the Job
2004-05-06 | 8:22 p.m.

Yesterday was very emotional for me. I don't know if you all know this, but I am quitting my job. Yeah, we had a big party at work for me going away and it being my last day and all. My friends didn't want to go on without me so they quit to. It's all over now, and I can't believe it.

Yes, we taped our final episode, and it was very nostalgic. We thought back to when I kicked Matthew Perry's butt, and David Schwimmer's butt, and Matt Leblanc's butt. Then we thought about the time I got it on with Courtney Cox, and Lisa Kudrow, and Jennifer Anniston, and Brad Pitt....... I mean and Jennifer Aniston again.

Luckily Jennifer and Leon had a pretty hardcore sex scene written into the script in the last episode. We got to the soundstage and luckily we were alone so we got it on and I recorded it. She was curious to see that the final love making scene didn't make it to the last episode, that is because it is now showing full time on the LBC, the Leon Broadcasting Corporation.

After the last episode we went out and got wasted. I was totally trashed and ended up spewing Malt Liquor in Matthew Perry's mouth and boxer shorts. That's what he gets for passing out first. Oh, it was such a good time, I will miss those friends of mine. And they will miss me to, Courtney has already left 7 messages on my machine asking me for a sex scene of our own. Or maybe that was Matt. I can't remember.

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