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Costume Party
2004-12-09 | 10:23 p.m.

Costume parties are awesome. I was at one the other night and I must admit that I am awesome too. Oh Yeah. I went with my boy, I mean girl, Reese. She called me up and asked it I wanted to go to a party with her, I agreed as long as I got some quality breast feeding time. I can�t be doing it for anything else you know, I am a busy guy. It�s not like I am sitting at home every day with nothing at all to do contemplating suicide and wondering if I have a purpose in life at all.

So anyway we get there and it was pretty sweet. Reese showed me around to some of the certain rooms they had there and I was quite impressed, it was like Eyes Wide Shut only without the pasty Nicole Kidman skin and I wasn�t terribly disappointed with this party. I actually got to see some penetration from a first person perspective if you smell what I got cooking. WOOOOO!!!

So we posed for some pictures, well she posed for them. I couldn�t help but grab at her chest and repeat the words �Mommy� over and over while making sucking noises. Finally she gave me what I wanted and we shagged in a closet. It was awesome and she told me that I was the best lover she had ever had, much better than Sarah Michelle Gellar. I think she was right.

2 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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