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2004-02-12 | 9:31 a.m.

I was approached yesterday about watching one of my boy's backs becasue some dude was dissin' his woman and he wanted to beat him down. I was all about it since I am so tough and nobody on the earth could defeat me in a fair fight, so me and my boy Land-o-lakes head off into battle.

He started off well because the other dude slipped in some mud so Land-o-lakes kicked him in the teeth and shoved a lock of his hair down the dudes throat while on his horse, but then he got off and a fight broke out. It was sweet until the dude got up and made landy into the beatin' of the week. I felt sorry for him so I dismounted, then got off my horse, and began smashing the "bad dudes" crew. It was fun, and after it was over I got Land-o-lakes to give up fighting and concentrate on his butter empire. He's a bitch.

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