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"The War of 1812"
2004-03-03 | 8:14 a.m.

I don't know if everyone knows this, but Leon is still a student. I am a major in Romance Languages with a minor in Awesomeness and breast observation. Anyway, for my Women's Studies class I had to do a presentation. It was pretty tough, but me and my boy Will got through it.

Will thought we should do something spicy, maybe with a Latin touch, but I decided we would do an interpretive dance that chronicled the events, and repercussions of "The War of 1812". It was glorious.

The picture is of us "Getting it on" at the beginning of the performance. I would like to have gotten a picture of the fantastic finale, but it wouldn't have been appropriate. Will stripped down to a leather thong, and I beat him repeatedly with a spiral ring notebook. That was supposed to signify the fact that William Henry Harrison was our Commander and Chief that served the shortest amount of time in office.

We got an A, but I still know nothing about "The War of 1812." The teacher even noted that Will was great, but Leon was full of "Total Freakin' Awesomeness". And then she showed me her you know whats to help with my thesis.

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