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St. Patricks Day
2004-03-17 | 8:34 a.m.

Happy St. Patricks day for those of you Irish alcoholics like myself out there. In honor of the holiday me and 2 of my close friends, Bobby and Sammy, got together for a party. Like me, they are very Irish so they enjoy St. Patricks day as much as the next Mc Guy. We watched a couple of movies and then we started to drink a bunch of Green beer and they made me smoke these green cigarettes. They smelled bad but after I inhaled a couple of times I was pretty relaxed. You can tell from the picture.

We got a little crazy after the beer supply was dwindling. Bobby lit a bag on fire and then set it on Sam's doorstep and rang the bell. Sam saw him do it and said, "Bobby, you mothe&#$% fuc#%%, I saw you fu#$^%$ put that fu(*#%&(%# bag on my fu&(%#&(% doorstep. What kind of fu&%(#* fool do you fu(*%*# take me fu(#*%&(#% for?". Then Sammy urinated in what was left of Bobby's green beer.

Bobby then drank the blue beer, yellow and green makes blue. After that fiasco was over Sammy took his shirt off and we stood back and threw slices of bologna at his bare chest. I was suprised at how well they stick, even to the hiary parts.

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