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Bedtime Reading
2004-03-19 | 8:31 a.m.

I had a rough night last night. Have you ever been with someone and all they can do is make advances, you know, "advances". Imagine being with two people and all they want is you. All I wanted to do was read one of my manly magazines like "Guns & Ammo" or "Sports Illustrated". Anyway my companions just wouldn't take no for an answer.

They kept saying, "Come home with us Leon. You are so awesome, we want to see if some of that awesomeness will rub off on us". I said yes, finally after they gave me 50 bucks each. I told them I wouldn't do anything sexual with them, because the one on the left smelled like Hemp and the one on the right smelled like Gin. And I am not attracted to thier type anyway, you know, dudes with hairy chests. That is a big turnoff. Well any dude is a turnoff to me.

5 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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