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An evening with "Friends"
2004-04-12 | 8:20 a.m.

I had a busy weekend. A couple of "Friends" came over to watch the fight. We got into a disagreement about who was the greatest game show host ever. I said Bob Barker because he is just the second most awesome person in the history of mankind, myself being first of course. My "Friend" Matt said that it was the dude from "Let's Make a Deal" so I choked him out, as you can see in the picture.

Luckily our other "Friends" Jennifer and Courtney were there to pull me off of him. They cooled me off with a soothing 2 on 1 massage that ended happily on my part. But anyway, after the massage and the food everyone left and I killed Matt with a soup spoon. It was awesome, then I laid his broken body on the doorstep of my upstairs neighbor. He doesn't speak English so he won't be able to explain it when the police get an anonymous call anyway.

3 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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