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2004-04-16 | 9:26 a.m.

Well, I had an interesting day yesterday. I decided to go to the library and catch up on some current events. I was sitting at a table checking out the chicks when I realized I was in the children�s section, so I moved to the adult section and began reading. All of a sudden I had an odd feeling come over me, I felt like someone was staring at old Leon. It was this hot young lady to my left who I casually noticed out of the corner of my eye. I could tell she totally wanted it.

She introduced herself as Selma, and when I began to introduce myself she said, �Oh Leon, you need no introduction. Will you marry me ?�. Then like usual when I meet a new lady we had a marathon makeout session. After the paramedics came to revive her we went downtown, sat outside the YMCA in blankets and asked for peoples spare change. I got 32 dollars and an STD and she got 17 dollars and a day old lollypop. That was pretty fun and we made a few bucks so then we went to the Sperm bank and I gave a donation, after I came out of the room I couldn�t find my friend Selma anywhere. The receptionist said that Selma had gone into a room to give a donation to, I asked � I didn�t know you harvested eggs also� and the lady said �We don�t�. I ran from that place like R. Kelley to a middle school dance.

Let�s never speak of this incident again.

6 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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