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King of the Universe
2004-04-19 | 10:14 a.m.

I had a pretty busy weekend. I went bowling and was annointed "The King of the Universe" with my new custom bowling ball. I modeled some underwear with supermodels. Ate pretzels with P. Diddy in his hood and finally had time to tutor Ryan Seacrest on how to act like a complete Douchebag. He is in the very advanced course.

Anyway, it was fun. The bowling thing was probably the best since there are so few people ever annointed "King of the Universe". I think I am the 3rd person. The first being the dude that hung himself during the Wizard of Oz, and the second being the Dell Computer guy. Dude, you are gettting replaced by Leon.

They had a nice small ceremony and were going to give me the key to the city, but they had given that away already. They gave me the key to Ted Kennedy's liquor cabinet instead. It's bigger anyway. The only bad thing is that I have to put on a huge show this Sunday where I strike fear into the hearts of my opponents and lust into the hearts of the women, or men, that accompanied them to the event. (Preferrably Women). It will be awesome.

4 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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