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Con Hair
2004-04-27 | 8:29 a.m.

So me and my gang were hanging out at our stoop yesterday. Our name is still under debate, but as gang president and Chief Operating Officer I am the one who chooses. There are really only 3 choices to pick from. There is "The John Malkovich is a creepy Bitch Crew" or, "The Totally not Homosexual Boys" or finally "The Bicuspids". For right now we are using a transitional name of "The Not Bitches".

Anyway, we were just doing our thing on our particular street corner, you know singing songs and chewing bubble gum and putting braids in each others hair, when this dude walks up. He was wearing our gang colors of pink, baby blue and neon green and he's not a member. I still have no idea where he got the same pink biker shorts that we usually wear, so we decided to beat the bejesus out of him. Well all five us attacked, but he was like 10 years old so we couldn't really handle him so we went on to stronger ammunition.

All I can say is that he is lucky I was having a bad hair day. If I would have had to drop that hair brush and pick up my gat, more than a mailman, a crossing guard, a meter maid, and 3 nighborhood dogs would have died. Unfortunately the little kid got away, but we have a nice lead on him. Before he ran away he dropped something, something so odd that it will give him away. So if any of you see a little kid that has something that says, "Pokemon" on it you let Leon know, that little Hellion is mine.

2 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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