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Bath with Menu
2004-05-03 | 7:44 a.m.

Boy, I feel dirty. I walked into my bathroom this weekend and this chick was in the tub. I don't blame her, I have a nice tub, but she kept whispering how she wanted me so bad and how she thought my turtleneck was so attractive, she also liked my sweater.

Anyway, to make a long story even longer I decided to take a bath with her, but I kept getting rose petals in my hair and they wouldn't stay out of my jock either. It was really annoying, and from personal experience I believe leaves from a very green, very expensive plant in Columbia make a better bath. I took a bath once in those with Alicia Silverstone, I woke up in the car with Nick Nolte playing bumpercars with mail boxes and pedestrians. I will have to try and find the mugshot. But it was a good bath, my skin felt very clean. That may have been from the rubdown I got from Nick's sanpaper like stubble filled chin, but it could have been from the bath.

After about 27 minutes of me fidgeting and getting comfortable and the water cooling down to a lovely 54 degrees, just about the right temperature to be a nice cool pool of my own urine, the girl got out. I was like, "Menu, what is wrong. You should stay and hang out". She said no, and that I should wash behind my ears because they looked like Morgan Freeman's scrotum. I instructed her to leave on sheer principal that she had seen Morgan Freeman's scrotum. Then I drank some of the bath water and passed out on the floor. It was sweet.

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