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The Fight
2004-05-26 | 8:43 a.m.

I got my film back yesterday. I was pumped. I got into a little bit of a fight, and lucky for you all I got someone to take some pictures of it. This dude, his name is Roy, has been busting my balls for years now. He has wanted to see if he is as awesome as I am, and of course he is not. So I finally agreed to beat the bejesus out of him. When he saw how pumped I was he simultaneously urinated on himself while vomiting up the diet pills he has been living on for the last 6 weeks. It was pretty sad, so I decided to take it easy on him for the first 3 minutes or so.

After that he decided to come at me. He took a big swing and I ducked under it and exploded one right on his chin, then after that we decided we should start fighting. So we danced around a bit and the same thing happened. He threw a big punch this time, and I ducked under and jumped on his face with the ferocity of Christina Aguilera jumping towards the nearest penis. It was sweet.

Oh Yeah. After that he went down like a 13-year-old girl with backstage passes to a R. Kelley concert. He was pretty sad to no longer be the champ, but I was elated. I was so happy I accepted the butt licking offered by Don King in the agreement that I got to keep a substantial portion of his hair for the purposes of sweeping my bathroom floor and sanding my deck. He agreed, so my butt felt refreshed.

After the fight at the press conference Roy came up to me and said, �The Elevator�s goose has my car keys in it�s rectum.� That is post knockout language meaning, �You fought a great fight and I offer up my wife and mother as sexual slaves to your superior performance." I reluctantly agreed. All in all it was a good experience, and I am looking for a challenger for my next fight, but unfortunately Jessica Simpson won�t be able to make the light heavyweight division requirments in the next 2 years. She has been lazy the last few years and acquired both a husband & personal life, and a big fat ass.

4 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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