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New Job
2004-06-01 | 9:01 a.m.

I got a new job. I am pretty pumped. I am the newest employee at an independent record store downtown, but it isn�t the first time I have worked there. It is going to be awesome this time, and I get to share all of my musical knowledge again. I mean I know that I am knowledgeable about every king of music there is, but this will really give me the chance to educate people on the music of Sweden. I know Ace of Base sucked, but so many people out there are missing out on the fine tunes of ABBA. How sick is that?

Anyway, my first day went well. It reminded me of the day that I got fired before. I was having a bad day that particular morning, and the fact that the dude on my right was basting in his own gravy and the B.O. would have knocked Mike Tyson out didn�t help much. Then the dude on the left started fondling me, and after about 10 minutes I became upset, so I took it out on the next customer. I am sure you are all familiar with what happened next. A series of karate kicks, an air conditioner in the face, and a telephone in the mouth, and that was all my idea. We rained blows upon him like Pam Anderson at a white trash rock concert.

I am really excited about working there again. I will get to play all of my old tricks on people, like urinating in the free coffee, and urinating in the water fountain, and urinating on the C.D. cases when they come in, and basically urinating on anything and everything I can find. Yeah, how could they have had the nerve to fire me before?

4 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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