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The Massacre
2004-06-23 | 9:01 a.m.

Well, yesterday was an interesting day. Some of my Home Skillets and I were out driving around, eating Turkey sandwiches and playing �7 Minutes in Heaven�. That is a new twist on an old game, instead of being locked in a closet for 7 minutes with me, they got to be tied up in my genitalia for 7 minutes. It was sweet until the dudes wanted to start playing. Then it got awesome, and by awesome I mean Super Gay. Yeah, we stopped doing that and decided to walk around a bit.

It was pretty creepy; it was all dark and foggy. They were all scared, sort of like some dude was going to jump out with a chainsaw and dismember them while cutting them into tiny pieces and making ashtrays and ornaments out of them. Those fears were totally unfounded, and even though a large mentally ill man did jump out with a chainsaw and dismembered some of them while cutting them into tiny pieces, he never once attempted to make an ashtray out of them. He jumped out and took his first victim, the very tip of my left nipple. Luckily I caught it and re-attached it. It was touch and go for a while, but I am thinking he is going to be ok.

After we regrouped we decided to take a group photo, they were all scared and looking into the camera with eyes full of despair. I just wanted some milk, I don�t know why. I was just craving milk. Then the dude jumped out again, removing arms, legs, teeth, vibrators, don�t ask me where he got that, but it was from a body cavity. Anyway, I was the last one left so I told him how cool he was. We ended up having a pretty good time. We sat out on his porch playing �Dueling Banjo�s� and waiting for some hikers or people on a canoe ride to come along. It was awesome.

1 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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