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A quiet evening with James
2004-06-29 | 8:45 a.m.

So, I had an interesting day yesterday. I was hanging out with a friend; you may know him as James Franco, but I call him�.well�.James Franco I suppose. But anyway, we were just sitting there having a normal discussion about how Spiderman was ok, but they really need to work on the movie script I am working on, it is titled �Leon, a true Awesomeness Story�. Yeah, I was telling him all about how in the book it begins with an uncircumcised baby that is raised by an Amish family. He escapes from them to become the next Mike Tyson, without the rape. And by rape I mean the pre-prison, in-prison, and post-prison versions of the rape.

Yeah, then I told him that we could end up the movie with me showing off my insane ability to swing from building to building with large strings of my own��. Well nevermind. After I mentioned that he got pretty ticked anyway, he started yelling, �James Dean Turns Me On!!!� Then he turned the kitchen table upside down and started bumping and grinding on it like Beyonce would on the nearest Krispy Kreme Donuts delivery driver.

After I calmed him down and removed him from the table he started to talk a little more normally. He said how he was kind of infatuated with me. I explained that it was normal, that even though he had considered himself a heterosexual man, that I in fact was �The Leon� and that my powers of �Awesomeness� could turn someone as completely heterosexual as Richard Simmons toward the cock. He agreed, and then we got on the couch and snuggled. I really didn�t want to participate in this activity due to the fact that I am in fact not gay, but he had a really good way of convincing me to do what he wanted. Yeah, that�s all I have to say about that. It wasn�t very sweet.

4 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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