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The Art Institute
2004-07-01 | 9:27 a.m.

I heard about a nice art display at the Chicago Art Institute. You should all go out and see it if you get a chance. I heard they were displaying several up and coming artists and I have to say that the buzz on one has been tremendous in particular. I really like the painting I saw of his on the review in �Today�s Non-homosexual Modern Art and Male Model Awesomeness Weekly Magazine�. I am founder and editor, and I appear on every cover, sort of like Oprah magazine only without the cellulite and pancake sized nipples.

But I digress, I was very impressed with the artist who painted this one picture, I believe it was called �Leon Come and get It�. It was enrapturing, and I have to say most of the people were taken with it. I read about the dude in his biography and he sounded quite interesting. His name was Marcus or something, a 23 year old Virgin, who works at a boring office job during the day, but works on his pictures in the evenings and weekends. It said that he was un-circumsized and addicted to child pornography. He had 4 testicles and could only ejaculate when vomited on by a Flemish Peasant woman.

It was really interesting. He was supposedly a coward that had never been in a real fight and had never been loved by a woman. I feel sorry for him, especially since he was such a coward that his attempts at suicide failed due to his lack of courage. He moved to the south of France and walked out into his cornfield and shot himself in the chest with a hot glue gun, due to the fact that he was a coward and real guns scared him. Only after 2 days of intense medical treatment did he realize that the wound was only fatal to the tip of his left nipple. He is a tortured soul, but whatever.

The people seemed to love the picture, especially the ladies. You can tell, if you look at the photograph that appears in the �Journal of Awesomeness and total good lookingness� which is another project of mine, you can see that not only do the ladies love it, but some of the dudes are pondering their sexuality as well.

6 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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