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Valhalla if you Hear Me
2004-07-05 | 7:52 p.m.

Boy does Leon know how to party? Yes he does. So I was at this fiesta, which is Mexican for party, and it was kind of boring you know. Or as White people would call it, exciting. Anyway, I was at this bash which was celebrating the arrival of Leif Erickson to the New World before that one dude tried to take the credit. Anyway, Valhalla Palooza was pretty much a bore, so me an my boy Will decided to liven things up. He took off everything except for his speedo and that made most of the people sick. Yeah, Will in his Speedo turned it into VomitFest 04.

Something drastic was needed so I decided to de-shirt and see what could be done about making things good again. But just when I de-shirted I noticed something. Everyone was staring at me and having a good time. So I just kept my shirt off and the party went back to normal. It was pretty cool, so then me and Will decided to top it all off with a nice dip in the pool.

I jumped first and he jumped second. After that most of the guests were soaked due to the fact that I am a large boned girl.... I mean boy. And Will is a chubby fat ass. All the water was out of the pool and on the guests so we just stood at the gate and snapped wet towells at the behinds of some of the female guests and all of the male guests. Yeah, it was sweet. Then we got in what was left of the pool water and he mixed me up an Anal Colada. It was sweet, well, bittersweet.

3 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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