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Leon goes Shopping
2004-07-29 | 10:02 a.m.

I had a good day yesterday. I was out and about at the local shopping mall when I was recognized by a group of what I like to refer to as �Ho�s�. They started following through the store and to avoid embarrassment I had to drop the �Finding Nemo� briefs that I was buying. They were a bit small anyway. Anyway, I tried to get away from this group of ladies but they were quick. I was shocked at the speed in which these women could run in high heel shoes and tube tops.

I snuck into the bathroom and lost a group of them but by this time the word that Leon was in the building had already spread. All throughout the mall makeup was being applied, bras were being straightened or removed, hair was being adjusted, and pants were growing warm. It was usual behavior for old Leon, but some of the ladies weren�t used to it.

I slipped out of the restroom and down through the Sears location next door when I was confronted by a group of bustacious skanks. Since they were bustacious and I am Leon there was only one thing for me to do, so I began to charm their pants off. Luckily some of them weren�t wearing pants so it didn�t take long. They sat me down on the optometrist�s table and serviced me while I told stories of my adventures with the traveling circus and my torrid love affair with the bearded lady, and the bearded man to. They understood that but they had problems with my illegitimate child with the Yak Woman.

After that they stopped servicing me for like 20 seconds. After I pointed out the fact that I am �Leon� they got back to business. It was sweet.

3 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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