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My lovely Weekend
2004-09-07 | 9:17 a.m.

Boy did Leon have a nice long weekend? Yes he did. It was pretty busy; on Friday I slept and ate. On Saturday I slept and at, and on Sunday and Monday I slept and ate and then slept some more. It was sweet. Oh, but I forgot that on Saturday I was just sitting at home alone ironing my dinner and microwaving my laundry when I got a phone call from�. Yes, it was a lady.

So anyway, she was all into Leon and asked if she could come over and have one of my world famous make out sessions. I declined so we decided to go for a walk instead. While we were walking a couple of street thugs jumped out and threatened us with chopsticks. I was freaked out and went into defense mode. They were jumping and flying all over the place so I decided to do the same. I screamed and yelled and defeated them in an act of sheer and utter acrobatic bliss.

I ran and leaped in the air. While in the air the thug and I traded blows until I flashed a bit of my abs and left him in a daze and I went in for the kill. I told him the story of my childhood, which brought him to tears. Then on our way down I told him about all of the sexual partners I have had in the past year and he then ran away in fear of catching some type of disease. I don�t blame him, I really get around.

Anyway the chick and me then resumed walking until a huge spider that looked like a stick so rudely interrupted us. I threw a copy my Redbook that I just happened to be carrying with me since all boys my age need their copy of Redbook with them at all times. Luckily there was enough padding to take that spider down, and we enjoyed the rest of the evening skinny dipping and eating Ice Cream sundaes with a stray cat that came along and asked us to help him write his screen play. It was pretty weird, and then all of a sudden I woke up in a cold sweat.

It was all a dream, or a drugged up haze. I am not sure but it seemed so real. Especially the makeout sessions in the pool, anyway I didn�t know it at the time but the combination of Slim Jim�s, Yoo Hoo, and toothpaste that I had been eating in the past days actually mixes with your stomach acid and forms a poor substitute for PCP. Now if you will excuse me I have to go to the grocery store to get some toothpaste, Yoo Hoo, and some Slim Jim�s. It�s going to be sweet.

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