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AA again
2004-09-21 | 11:37 p.m.

Well ladies and ladies, I must offer up my most sincere appology. I have been neglecting you. I have been failing to share my personal life with you like I have done so often in the past, you know, opening up my life to the eyes of total strangers. Anyway, I had an eventful week.

I went to AA, which if you knew me personally you would understand that it is not for the alcoholic inside, I am fine with my struggles with alcoholism. I do however attend Assholes Annonymous religiously. I am quite ashamed of my Assholedness so I am trying to work on that. Anyway these dudes that were in there were picking on me because of my name. So after about 50 jokes or so I finally stood up and let my inner asshole out and after the smoke cleared, really it was smoking in there, there we were. Standing eye to eye, well he is a little bitch so it was more like eye to fuzzy 1974 homeless dude afro.

Yep, me and Mark Wahlberg having us a stare down. I finally got to take a couple of shots at him for making fun of my name, I was like, "Mark, what kind of name is that? Sounds a bit pussy to me. Sounds like a guy that uses Rogaine and masturbates no less than 5 times a day while covering up for a small penis with self depricating humor. Fag." Then it was on, we fought for what seemed like seconds but it turns out it was mere seconds. All ended in a peaceful resolution. I would no longer attend AA and Mark would no longer show his face in a public forum again. Fair deal if you ask me.

Luckily nobody was injured in the fight since we ended up standing 5 feet apart and none of the blows landed because they were more like wild slaps from a 6 year old girl. But after the fight and the agreement the Assholes really turned on me. They didn't like the fact that I was still hanging around eating cookies and drinking the warm milk mixed with Vodka that tends to bring out the asshole in all of us. They beat the daylights out of old Leon, but luckily the stitches in my anus are the kind that dissolve after a few days. All in all it was a pretty sweet experience.

4 People Wish They Were As Awesome As Leon!
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