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A weeknight Trim
2004-09-23 | 10:00 a.m.

So I met with the Queen yesterday. Well, you may know her as the Queen but I call her Latifah. We were just chillin� in the Barber shop and she was trying to give me a little trim, but after we both realized we couldn�t fit in the chair at the same time she just cut my hair instead. It was pretty cool until I pulled out my patented Turkey sandwich filled to the brim with Mayonnaise. She got really ticked off for some odd reason and decided to remove my balls with a wire hanger. She pushed me up against the wall, grabbed my throat a few times and started to try and intimidate me.

She held tight for just a few seconds and stared into my deep eyes. After about 3 minutes of that she wanted me again. She threw me down on the ground and made love to me like a High School Guidance Counselor to that one troubled whore of a cheerleader that the faculty all just knows she has done it before. Yeah, her loins were burning so we had to stop for a while to quell the brush fires. But I�m not one to gossip so you didn�t hear that from me.

After about 3 hours of passionate lovemaking we went back to my place for some Naked Monopoly and Smores making sessions. It was sweet and we had such a good time that I am hoping to get a call soon reporting that we are expecting a little surprise just over 9 months away. Yes, I am hoping for a girl so we can call her Princess to replace my nickname. It would be sweet.

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